

Sexual maturity is the age or stage when an organism can reproduce. It is sometimes considered synonymous with adulthood, though the two are distinct. In humans, the process of sexually maturing is termed puberty.

Most multicellular organisms are unable to sexually reproduce at birth (or germination), and depending on the species, it may be days, weeks, or years until their bodies are able to do so. Also, certain cues may cause the organism to become sexually mature. They may be external, such as drought, or internal, such as percentage of body fat (such internal cues are not to be confused with hormones which directly produce sexual maturity).

Sexual maturity is brought about by a maturing of the reproductive organs and the production of gametes. It may also be accompanied by a growth spurt or other physical changes which distinguish the immature organism from its adult form. These are termed secondary sex characteristics, and often represent an increase in sexual dimorphism. For example, before puberty, human children have flat chests, but adult females have breasts while adult males do not.

After sexual maturity is achieved, it is possible for some organisms to become infertile, or even to change their sex. Some organisms arehermaphrodites and may or may not be able to produce viable offspring. Also, while in many organisms sexual maturity is strongly linked to age, many other factors are involved, and it is possible for some to display most or all of the characteristics of the adult form without being sexually mature. Conversely, it is also possible for the "immature" form to reproduce (see progenesis).

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feel its sexy.


Have you ever thought about why some people are considered sexy, while others, possibly of similar physical attributes, are not? They say a man is attracted to a women because of her appearance and falls in love with her as a result. Have you ever stopped to think what is sexy and what is not? It goes beyond pretty and ugly, it might even be something we cannot perceive, such as an attitude, but if we could put it in pictures, this is what it might look like.

